Episode 314
Episode 314: Nika Mlinarič Hribar, Snow Board Games
Nika Mlinarič Hribar and Blaž Hribar are designers of Secret Recipe and the driving force behind SnowBoardGames.
They balance their professional careers in science and engineering with running a board game publishing startup.
Outside of board games, Nika is a physicist with experience in the aviation industry, currently working as a researcher in the field of numerical simulations. She was one of the 10 nominees for the 2019 Female Engineer of the Year Award, a national award that aims to provide role models for young girls and promote women in science, technology, engineering and mathematics. She's taking a break from physics to ensure the Kickstarter campaign is running smoothly.
Blaž is a civil engineer working in a boutique design bureau. He specialises in the area at the intersection of civil engineering and architecture that focuses on the interplay of bioclimatic design and structural building physics. His mission is to design indoor environments optimized for the user. Nika and Blaž are an active couple who enjoy board games, climbing, snowboarding and other outdoor sports.
To check out the Kickstarter for Secret Recipe, click here: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/snowboardgames/secret-recipe-decipher-clues-to-win-grandmas-recipe-book
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