Episode 228
Episode 228: Michael Faciane, Fun First Productions
Growing up, Mike has always had an affinity towards tabletop games. Playing and tinkering with customizing rules of existing games, and eventually creating games of his own. In 2008 he made his way into the game industry by making a card game for Privateer Press, who hired him on as a designer. There, he learned much about the many facets of producing games, from concept to final product. While life has taken Mike on a path away from the industry, he remained a gamer and continued to design. Now, he is beginning his own game publishing along with his daughter, Shyne (the artist). Their ice cream themed card game, Triple Scoops, will be available soon.
Sign-up for the Triple Scoops launch here: https://sendfox.com/lp/1x804p?fbclid=IwAR2c79V4tyO9JyB5G6evrqyt_sAqMXmi4t_z0prrnvWZn8QDz7M97TEkZeQ
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Board Game Binge: https://boardgamebinge.com/
Tin Robot Games: https://tinrobotgames.com
Elixir Board Games: https://www.elixirboardgames.com/our-games
Board Game Design Course: https://boardgamedesigncourse.com/